Dirt Toes
Dirt Toes Podcast
A poem + an invitation!

A poem + an invitation!

Join me this Saturday for a donation flow in support of CTJC

Hello, friends!

Popping in to say hello, share a poem I came across, and extend an invitation to join me in yoga practice this Saturday morning.

With love, Hope

Saturday, April 16 from 11 am-12:15 pm central…

I’ll be sharing a virtual, donation-based yoga practice in support of Chicago Torture Justice Center.

Register for the practice and find more details here!

During this practice, we will uplift and celebrate the work and vision of CTJC and learn more about ways to support. We'll explore movement, breath, restorative postures, and end practice with a guided deep relaxation. Emphasis will be on honoring individual experience and choice, while simultaneously supporting one another through communal practice.

This practice is free to attend and all are welcome. Please donate directly to support Chicago Torture Justice Center's Love-a-thon for Justice and/or Survivor Relief/Repair Fund. Info about other ways to support the Love-a-thon, such as donating needed items for the space and sharing skills, expertise, and time can be found here.

Please reach out to me with any questions! I am so honored to be sharing this practice, and I would love to raise some $ to support the profound work CTJC is doing. The practice itself is free, and support could also be simply getting connected to their work and spreading the word!

It would mean so much to have you there. And of course feel free to invite trusted pals! All are welcome.

Today’s poem is “Flowering” by Linda Buckmaster

                      At the ruins of the Seven Churches, Inishmore

Pick a crevice
a homey gap
between stones
and make it
your own.

Grow a life here
from wind, rain,
and the memories 
of ancients embedded 
in limestone.

The bees will use you
for their sweet honey.
The rock will soften 
under your touch. You will 
draw moisture from fog
and hold it. Your presence
will build soil.

This is all we have
in this life, all we own:
a flowering
an opening
a gap between stones
for tiny tender roots.
Dirt Toes
Dirt Toes Podcast
Yoga, Art, Questions, Hope
For the month of February, a poem a day
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